Robert M. Corless
Department of Applied Mathematics
University of Western Ontario
London, Canada

Copyright 2001 by Robert M. Corless
All rights reserved

Useful one-word commands 

Использование монокоманд

Solving equations 

Решение уравнений


Команда dsolve

> restart;
> fib := (-4-6*x-6*x^2)*Y(x)+(-1+x+x^2)^2*diff(Y(x),x,x);

fib := (-4-6*x-6*x^2)*Y(x)+(-1+x+x^2)^2*diff(Y(x),`...

> Order := 14;

Order := 14

> dsolve( {fib,Y(0)=1,D(Y)(0)=1}, Y(x), series );

> seq(combinat[fibonacci](n),n=1..14);

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377...

> dsolve( fib, Y(x) );

Y(x) = _C1/(-1+x+x^2)+_C2*(6*x^5+15*x^4-10*x^3-30*x...

> de := diff(y(x),x) = y(x)^2*(1-y(x));

de := diff(y(x),x) = y(x)^2*(1-y(x))

> sn := dsolve({de,y(0)=10^(-k)},y(x));

sn := y(x) = 1/(LambertW(-1/exp(-1)*(-1+10^(-k))/(1...

> plot3d(rhs(sn),x=0..10^3,k=0..3,axes=BOXED);

[Maple Plot]

> trial := eval(sn,k=5);

trial := y(x) = 1/(LambertW(99999/exp(-1)*exp(99999...

> plot(rhs(trial),x=0.999e5..1.001e5);

[Maple Plot]

> restart;
> dsys := {diff(x(t),t)=x(t)*(1-y(t)), diff(y(t),t)=s*y(t)*(x(t)-1) };

dsys := {diff(x(t),t) = x(t)*(1-y(t)), diff(y(t),t)...

In the text, this line has dsys[1] and dsys[2] in it; but this violates one of the "Worksheet Hygiene" rules, and indeed the dysys set may be in a different order. So for this worksheet I have modified the command to use a substitution to get it right. This also makes the text shorter and more intelligible, too.
> de := diff(x(y),y) = subs( x(t)=x(y), y(t)=y, subs(dsys,diff(x(t),t)/diff(y(t),t)) );

de := diff(x(y),y) = x(y)*(1-y)/s/y/(x(y)-1)

> _EnvAllSolutions := true;

_EnvAllSolutions := true

> dsolve(de,x(y));

> expand(%);

> simplify(%);

x(y) = -LambertW(_NN1,-y^(-1/s)*exp(-(-y-_C1+2*I*Pi...

> subs(_Z2=0,%);

x(y) = -LambertW(_NN1,-y^(-1/s)*exp(-(-y-_C1)/s))

> x1 := subs(_NN1=0,%);

x1 := x(y) = -LambertW(0,-y^(-1/s)*exp(-(-y-_C1)/s)...

> x2 := subs(_NN1=-1,%%);

x2 := x(y) = -LambertW(-1,-y^(-1/s)*exp(-(-y-_C1)/s...

> s := rand()/1.0e12;

s := .2726006090

> toplot := {[rhs(x1),y,y=0..10],[rhs(x2),y,y=0..10]};

> sols := `union`(seq(toplot,_C1={-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-3/2,-1-s})):
> plot(%,view=[0..20,0..10],colour=black);

> eval([x1,x2],y=1);

> subs(_C1=-1-s,%);

> evalf(%);

> s := 's';

s := 's'

> solve(X1 = rhs(eval(x1,y=1)), _C1);


> subs(_Z5=0,%);


> subs(s=0,dsys);

{diff(x(t),t) = x(t)*(1-y(t)), diff(y(t),t) = 0}

> dsolve(%,{x(t),y(t)});

[{y(t) = _C2}, {x(t) = _C1*exp(Int(1-y(t),t))}]

> dsolve(dsys,{x(t),y(t)});

[{x(t) = 0}, {y(t) = _C1*exp(-s*t)}], [{x(t) = Root...

> restart;
> plots[setoptions](colour=BLACK);
> AiryDE := diff(y(z),z,z) = z*y(z);

AiryDE := diff(y(z),`$`(z,2)) = z*y(z)

> dsolve( AiryDE, y(z) ) ;

y(z) = _C1*AiryAi(z)+_C2*AiryBi(z)

> HubbardWest := diff(x(t),t) = x(t)^2 - t;

HubbardWest := diff(x(t),t) = x(t)^2-t

> dsolve( HubbardWest, x(t) );

x(t) = -(_C1*AiryAi(1,t)+AiryBi(1,t))/(_C1*AiryAi(t...

> dsolve( {HubbardWest, x(0)=alpha}, x(t) );

x(t) = -(-(3*GAMMA(2/3)^2*3^(2/3)+2*alpha*Pi*3^(5/6...

> X := rhs( % ):
> Nplot := 10;

Nplot := 10

> P := plot( [seq(X,alpha=[seq(-5*i/Nplot, i=0..Nplot)])],t=0..8, y=-5..0,
scaling=CONSTRAINED ): plots[display](P);

> P1 := plot( eval(X,alpha=0), t=0..300, linestyle=4 ): plots[display](P1);

> N := 3000;

N := 3000

> h := 300.0/N;

h := .1000000000

> badsol := dsolve({HubbardWest,x(0)=0},numeric,method=classical[rk4], stepsize=h,output=procedurelist);
> wrongpts := [seq( subs( badsol(k*h),[t,x(t)]), k=0..N)]:
> P2 := plot( wrongpts, style=POINT, colour=black, symbol=POINT ):
> plots[display]({P1,P2});

> goodsol := dsolve( {HubbardWest,x(0)=0}, numeric, stiff=true, range=0..1.0e8 );

goodsol := proc (rosenbrock_x) local i, comp_soln_d...

> plots[odeplot]( goodsol, style=POINT, symbol=POINT, colour=BLACK );

> goodsol( 1.0e5 );

[t = .10e6, x(t) = -316.227807972679954]

> eval( X, [alpha=0, t=1.0e5] );


> evalf( % );


> goodsol( 1.0e7 );

[t = .10e8, x(t) = -3162.27779889634122]

> -sqrt( 1.0e7 );


> eval( X, [alpha=0, t=1.0e7] );


> goodsol( 1.0e8 );

[t = .10e9, x(t) = -9999.9999032634078]

> -sqrt( 1.0e8 );


Multiple paths from the same equation
> restart;
> Suzen := proc (m, t, yvec, ypvec) local i, j;
option `[yvec[1] = x(t), yvec[2] = diff(x(t),t),
yvec[3] = y(t), yvec[4] = diff(y(t),t)]`;
for i to m/4 do
j := 4*(i-1);
ypvec[1+j] := yvec[2+j];
ypvec[2+j] := -yvec[1+j]^2+yvec[3+j]^2;
ypvec[3+j] := yvec[4+j];
ypvec[4+j] := 2*yvec[1+j]*yvec[3+j];
end do;
end proc:
> N := 72;

N := 72

> ic := map(evalf,vector( 4*N, [seq(op([cos(2*Pi*(i-1)/N),0,sin(2*Pi*(i-1)/N),0]),i=1..N)])):
> pvars := [seq(z||i(t),i=1..4*N)]:
> st := time(): sol := dsolve( numeric, procedure=Suzen, range=0..3, start=0, initial=ic, procvars=pvars ):
time_taken_de := time() - st;
Warning, cannot evaluate the solution further right of 2.9744778, probably a singularity

time_taken_de := 3.795

> st := time(): plots[odeplot]( sol, [seq([z||(1+4*(i-1))(t),z||(3+4*(i-1))(t)],i=1..N)], colour=black, view=[-3..3,-3..3], scaling=CONSTRAINED, labels=["",""], axes=BOXED );
time_taken_plotting := time() - st;

time_taken_plotting := 70.201

> time_taken_plotting/time_taken_de;


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