Robert M. Corless
Department of Applied Mathematics
University of Western Ontario
London, Canada

Copyright 2001 by Robert M. Corless
All rights reserved

Useful one-word commands 

Использование монокоманд




Команда simplify

> restart;
> e := cos(x)^5 + sin(x)^4 + 2*cos(x)^2 - 2*sin(x)^2 - cos(2*x);

e := cos(x)^5+sin(x)^4+2*cos(x)^2-2*sin(x)^2-cos(2*...

> simplify( e );


> restart;
> Next := (x,N) -> x - (x^2 - N*x - 1)/(2*x - N);

Next := proc (x, N) options operator, arrow; x-(x^2...

> top := k -> c*a^k + d*(-1/a)^k;

top := proc (k) options operator, arrow; c*a^k+d*(-...

> bot := k -> e*a^k + f*(-1/a)^k;

bot := proc (k) options operator, arrow; e*a^k+f*(-...

> N := a - 1/a;

N := a-1/a

> solve( {top(0) = N, top(1) = N^2 + 1}, {c,d});

{d = -1/(a*(1+a^2)), c = a^3/(1+a^2)}

> assign( % );
> solve( {bot(0) = 1, bot(1) = N}, {e,f});

{f = 1/(1+a^2), e = a^2/(1+a^2)}

> assign( % );
> X := top(k)/bot(k);

X := (a^3/(1+a^2)*a^k-1/a/(1+a^2)*(-1/a)^k)/(a^2/(1...

> nxt := Next( X, N ):
> testeq( nxt, top(2*k+1)/bot(2*k+1) );


> zero := simplify( nxt - top(2*k+1)/bot(2*k+1) );

zero := 0

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